Making The Best Whey Protein Powder Snacks and Desserts Can Also Be Easy


Egg protein powder by Egg Whites 24/7

The protein supplements are best for those who want muscular athletic body. Muscle tissues can be rebuilt using lot of exercise and ample amount of proteins.  Amino acids are obtained from protein. These acids have crucial role in new cells and tissue formation. The proteins are utilized in the whole body through amino acids. Eggs, meat and vegetables are very well known sources of protein. But if you wish to intensify the intake, nothing is better than the protein powder. The protein powder is also easy to consume and you don’t have took cook it for consumption. The protein powder also avoids the introduction of additional carbohydrates.

Egg protein powder by Egg Whites 24/7 is best product to enjoy goodness of eggs without any worries for cholesterol. It can be accompanied with a glass of milk for additional supply of calcium for bones. The protein powder is free of strong egg smell as well. You can easily mix it with the peanut butter. Get four scoops of egg protein powder in a bowl and mix it properly with granulated sugar substitute. Once the mixture is consistent, you can add one cup sugar free peanut butter to this mixture. Adding regular sweetened peanut butter is not a good idea as you are planning to reduce calorie intake here. You can create balls of this mixture and consume it whenever you want as protein bars.

To make this more delicious, you can coat these bars with cocoa powder or nuts. Just make sure it is in line with your daily calorie intake. Keep it in fridge to solidify. Mousse lovers can also introduce Egg protein powder by Egg Whites 24/7 in their dessert section. Get one cup natural yogurt in a bowl and mix it with one cup cream. For sweetness, add low-calorie sweetener along with two good scoops of protein powder. Mousse is ready to serve! Chocolate lover can always mix chocolate flavored protein powder along with a spoon full of coffee powder. Pineapple pieces and banana flavored powder can be added for fruity mousse.

There is another way to create power packed protein bar with lot of calcium. Get one cup milk powder along with half cup almond meal. Add favorite flavor of protein powder to it along with two spoons full of peanut butter. To even the texture, add bit water. The stiff dough should be kneaded well. Create cookie balls and bake it. You are ready to eat the protein cookies. 

Going on diet doesn’t mean you can’t brownies either. Break an egg and beat it along with the chocolate protein powder along with one spoon peanut butter. Put this mixture in microwave until it starts look like cake. The inside of the cake has to be soft. Eat this protein packed brownie right away! Banana flavored protein powder goes well with ricotta cheese and three eggs. You can create good pancakes out of this mixture. These are not only tasty but go well with your diet plan.

Are Egg Whites or Whole Eggs Healthier For You


The egg whites are very well known healthy option and rich protein source. The egg yolk is always avoided by people because of its fat and cholesterol content. The egg white gives you the nutrition and vitamins of egg with low calorie consumption. It also easy to remove egg yolk from any dish involving egg as it doesn’t affect the taste of food that much. The data also shows that the 33 grams of egg white contains only 16 calories. That’s the amount of egg white in one large egg. In addition to this, it has 0 percent saturated fat, no cholesterol. What else? It gives 0.2 grams of carbs, 3.6 grams’ protein along with 55 mg sodium. These micro nutrients are important for health.

Feeling guilty about throwing away egg yolk? Now you can save time and energy. Departmental stores nowadays selling bottles of pure egg whites.  If you are following Egg white weight loss diet by Egg Whites 24/7, then try ready made container of pure egg whites.  The crucial vitamins such as selenium and riboflavin are also found in the egg white. People who plan to consume more protein in fewer calories should go for egg whites dish. Three egg whites give 7 to 10 grams of protein along with just 45 calories. Egg white is also most readily available and cheap low calorie protein source.
Why replace egg white with egg?

The traditional fried eggs or scrambled eggs breakfast is very common among people. Considering it a healthy breakfast is kind of false as you are consuming too many calories through yolk. Removing the yolk and adding more egg white is always better for cholesterol cautious people. One can even do that in baking. So next time when you are thinking about making muffins, cake or pie, only add the egg white. It changes the consistency of the batter and may result in dry cake. But the health benefits outweigh this inconvenience. Egg white weight loss diet by Egg whites 24/7 demands such kind of cooking. Ordering containers of pure egg white will save lot of effort.

Local supermarkets have also realized the need for such healthy alternatives to eggs. Many of them are giving better options which provide vitamins and miners to consumers. The options in the market are affordable and time saving as well. You don’t have to sit in kitchen, break eggs and spend hours in separating yolks. Many companies are supplying pure egg whites in containers and bottles. Now you can easily avoid egg yolk but still get all the benefits which egg offers. The options in the markets are full of pantothenic acid, zinc, folate, thiamin and vitamin B-complex. You can control the consumption through the quantity mentioned on its container.

Nutrition enthusiast and fitness freaks have even managed to create specific recipes involving egg whites. A piece of fresh fruit, whole grain brown bread (toasted) along with scrambled egg whites is perfect breakfast for any bodybuilder. One should apply nonstick cooking spray on pan while scrambling egg white so it doesn’t stick to the surface.